In contemporary physics, many uncertainties and contradictions have accrued as a result of the collection of many new experimental data; simultaneously, there are various opinions about our need of a new physics (a new theory explaining the universe's structure). To explain all these contradictions and inconsistencies with the existing space-time model, dark matter, dark energy, black holes, differences in the Hubble constant measurements, and others, a new rearrangement of rearrangement of the puzzle is needed, to build on all proven theories and develop them in order to clear all those contradictions and unexplained facts that arise with the new modern methods of observation and measurement of certain physical variables. And also where the antimatter is located.

   This article offers my own theory, which claims to rearrange and assemble the puzzle in physics (the time-space structure) and to give explanation to all those unexplainable facts and newly-occurred contradictions in the global area of theoretical astrophysics.

   This theory gives an answer to the question about what is the so-called dark matter and where it is hiding, what is dark energy, what are black holes and what is their structure, why is there a difference in the Hubble constant for the near and ancient universe. It disproves the Big Bang theory and gives another explanation about the extension of the universe and provides an answer to the question why well-shaped galaxies in the early universe are existing. Also it explains why our galaxy is located in the void or a more "rare" universe with a radius of about 1 billion light years.

   The theory is as follows:

    Synthesizing the publications  below ,we can come to the conclusion of the following. 
    The big bang theory is not true.
The universe has a positive curvature and is a closed sphere that is infinite but limited like the earth's surface. Space is limited by the circle of relative time, and the more this circle grows, the more space expands, like the example of a balloon with dots on it.
    Dark energy is the energy of time that causes the universe to expand.
   Dark matter is matter hidden beyond the horizon of the observable universe in its large-scale structure, that is, beyond the curvature of space limiting visibility, and also locally inside black holes containing vast amounts of matter and antimatter that hold galaxies as highly gravitational " glue "and moves them in a special way as a solid body with the same radial velocities, the latter having a much smaller amount of hidden matter compared to the large-scale factor.
    Matter and antimatter are symmetrical, but they do not annihilate because they are at different relative times - in matter the arrow of time is directed upwards and in antimatter downwards, which is relatively similar to the northern and southern hemispheres.
    According to the presented new model of the universe, Dark Energy represents the energy of time - the more our own time increases, i.e. t0 grows, the radius of the circle increases and the galaxies move away with acceleration relative to the observer, with the most distant having the greatest acceleration. but do not exceed the speed of light. Dark energy, which according to this theory is the energy of time, is essentially antigravity. It causes the universe to expand over time and resists gravity, which acts in the opposite direction. Thus, the system in this case the universe is in equilibrium. In this case, the speed of light plays the role of a balancer, which does not allow either force to take over and limits both time and space. Reaching the speed of light plays the role of a balancer that does not allow either force to take over and limits both time and space. Reaching the speed of light at the farthest points of the universe from the observer (in its unobservable part, i.e. below the abscissa), matter passes into the antimatter-part of the graph below the abscissa, which is relative to the observer and applies to each point of the circle in which we would position the observer.
In this way, equal amounts of matter and antimatter are formed, which, however, are at great distances and at different relative times to each other and therefore cannot be detected together. In this way the cosmological principle of isotropy and homogeneity of the universe is preserved in the new model presented in this theory.
 This structuring of matter and antimatter is valid both for the universe as a whole on a global scale and for each black hole locally, the difference being that in black holes gravity plays a major role, and in the universe as a global model this is due to reactive acceleration during expansion with increasing distance from the observer. But since the two accelerations - gravitational and reactive - are equivalent according to the principle of equivalence of the General Theory of Relativity, in both cases the models of the structure of matter and antimatter are the same. That is, we have relatively round time and matter and antimatter in the upper and lower part of the graph as 4% of the matter is observable and the rest is unobservable and is beyond the event horizon of black holes.
And for the universe on a global scale, the unobservable dark matter is beyond an alpha angle of 70.5 degrees, that is, where the speed of the distance exceeds 100,000 km / sec. large mass, in fact, must be supplemented by bending to a full circle in the case of black holes as illustrated above for the figure of a black hole by analogy with hurricanes. a funnel or tunnel is formed, the center of which corresponds to the point of singularity, but it is never reached and the matter in the plasma state passes swirling downwards at a speed almost equal to the speed of light and thus a tunnel in time and space is formed, or more precisely a tunnel in space-time. This bending of space-time to a full circle or "drilling", which can also serve as a wormhole, occurs not only in black holes due to high gravity but also in the accelerated expansion of the universe globally under the pressure of dark energy which according to this theory is the energy of time. We have the same global model of the whole universe. In both cases, time and space-space bends, but it does not just bend, but according to this theory it bends to a full circle. And in cases where we have massive bodies with great gravity, but not black holes, we have only bending but not to a full circle, but only as illustrated long ago with the famous picture with the ball on the net. Thus, when the circle is completely closed, time limits space and vice versa, and we actually have a limited but infinite space-time similar to the Klein bottle or toroid, or if we draw an analogy with the planar model like the Möbius strip. 
    In this sense, the energy of time that leads to the accelerated expansion of the universe is opposed to gravity, and just as there is an equivalent of gravitational and reactive acceleration, there should be an equivalent of the energy of time and gravity. By this logic, time should be considered as having mass and energy expressing and equivalent to gravitational mass and energy, but with the opposite sign, as a consequence of the law of conservation of balance and energy. The energy of time inflates the universe as light travels more and more and fills an ever-increasing volume — that is, it expands the universe. It is actually the kinetic component of the energy of the universe, and the potential is the mass of bodies and large structures and both components are balanced by passing into each other according to our familiar formula E = mc2. As a consequence, we can calculate how long the universe will expand before reaching equilibrium and its ultimate size as space-time. we calculate according to the mass and size we know and the way they are kept in balance by the black hole in its center. The matter that is sucked into the black hole after crossing the event horizon falls swirling in the tunnel down, as shown in the figure below, in a plasma state. It never reaches the point of singularity, although it passes very close to it moving at the speed of light and swirling around the axis of the tunnel, which coincides with the point of singularity seen as a projection from above. In this case the driving force is gravity. distorts space-time to the fullest. There the process is described with the same graph as the course of time from the most ancient universe that we observe on the border of the visible universe to us.
    This is exactly what is used in Feynman's diagrams, in which, in order to give a solution, it is assumed that antimatter particles move back in time. Einstein wrote The General Theory of Relativity for the static universe, and this new theory creates a new model for the dynamic universe, in which time, relative time and its dynamics play a fundamentally new role and are responsible for dark energy and accelerated expansion of the universe.
    If we use the analogy with the balloon and the points on it, which the more it inflates, the more the objects on it move further and further, and the more distant ones move away with greater speed, we can introduce time zones of time on it, similar to time zones on the earth's globe. But with the difference that in our case the time zones will not correspond to the meridians, but to the parallels on the globe. If we assume that we as an observer (and anyone else positioned at any point on the universe), we have positioned ourselves at the north pole of the globe (balloon), the stellar objects-galaxies equidistant from us, etc. which form equidistant spheres from us - for example 1 billion light years, 2 billion light years and so on to 13.7 billion light years, these spheres reduced from three-dimensional to two-dimensional model would correspond to the parallels of time on the balloon, ie we see them back in time as they were due to their remoteness in space. In this way the skeleton of the temporal structure can be formed on the balloon and a space-time globe of the universe can be built, which is curved with respect to only the time coordinate. states of matter and antimatter, such as matter in the upper hemisphere and antimatter in the lower hemisphere, in which the arrow of its own time flows in opposite directions. their time flows in different directions, and they respectively diverge in time and place and a model of the universe applies to any point at which we would position the observer. In the opposite hemisphere, there are people walking "upside down" to it. the limit of the observable universe. Then we can not observe them. This applies to every point of the observer on the time sphere (bubble). That is why we can not observe antimatter and wonder where it disappeared. formed galaxies in the past, which in principle would not have time to form so well if you follow the theory of the big bang and this is one of the big Another contradiction in the theory of the Big Bang is that it claims that 13.7 billion years ago everything was gathered at one point, and at the same time we observe the periphery of the visible universe scattered like a huge sphere around us at a distance. 13.7 billion light years. Well, it can't be both a point and a huge sphere with a diameter of 13.7 light years at the same time - 13.7 billion years ago, that is, at the beginning of everything according to the big bang. According to the big bang theory it is back in time, the periphery of the visible universe - we see it as it was exactly 13.7 billion years ago, that is, at the "initial moment" according to The Big Bang Theory.
    When they say that space is flat, modern cosmologists mean large-scale properties of the universe, but according to my theory, this is not true, but on the contrary, large-scale universe as a whole has a positive curvature and is distorted to a closed sphere. which supports the theory of the big bang, the curvature of space created by stars, black holes, dust clouds, galaxies, etc., is just a collection of small bumps in space, which is, generally speaking, boringly flat. of modern cosmology and therefore there is a contradiction in measuring the Hubble constant for the near universe and the cosmic microwave background, which can not be resolved otherwise than with the introduction of the new cosmological model we propose. its large-scale structure, it is understood why in one case the Hubble constant is 7.2 and in others ugia is 6.8.We multiply 7.2 by sin 70 and get 6.8.All this is a consequence of the new cosmological model, which takes into account the distortion of space caused not only by the accumulation of matter in black holes and other objects at the local level, but also the curvature of the universe on a global scale, which is due to accelerated expansion and is a consequence of GR in combination with the resulting distortion of space-time explained below.
     The observable universe is actually if we use the example with the balloon and the dots on it, so this is the surface of a large sphere illuminated by a beam of light from a small flashlight, ie a round bright spot on the sphere or a round almost flat surface, but ALMOST very important and this confuses modern cosmologists, misleading them that the universe is almost flat with very little curvature, and it is not really that on a large scale, but that's how far we can observe, and that's where the confusion comes from like the earth's horizon that drove us to think for a long time that the earth is flat.
n this way, the cosmological principle of homogeneity and isotropy of the universe is not violated, because wherever you look at it in this model, the picture always remains the same on a large scale.
    I have long argued that there is no dark matter in my author's theory of the new model of the universe, which explains exactly where matter is lost and why it is not visible to us and that it is not dark but ordinary matter, but hidden from observation and as I look slowly and surely things move towards my point of view and one day they will fall into place. The problem is not with the dark matter but with the missing invisible mass that creates the huge inexplicable gravity and everything falls into place when it is understood that the model that describes the universe is not so far the predominantly accepted model of the big bang, but the model that I propose in  my theory - time is round - namely this is the model in which the universe has a positive curvature of space and it is curved to complete a sphere on a large scale, and not almost flat with a slight curvature of space as claimed now. And besides, the model of black holes and galaxies gravitating around them is wrong, there space-time is bent  also to a full sphere in the coordinate of time and it is there as well as on a large scale "loses" a lot of massacres,  not visible, but it is there and creates this huge gravity. symmetrical to matter and which is also invisible to us, but plays a huge role in the universe and the symmetry of the model.

   The basic theoretical postulate, based on mathematical formulas, is that the relative time is circular – i.e. the time trajectory from the "early universe" (from the most distant points of the universe) to us completes a circular orbit. This is demonstrated below by formulas and is illustrated with graphs that are a consequence of the Lorenz transformations over time and the fact that the universe expands with acceleration which on its own part is experimentally found and described by Hubble's law. My theory expands Hubble's law by accepting it as a special case that is valid for distances of approximately 13-13.5 billion light years or about 100,000 kilometers per second. This theory also explains why the Hubble constant decreases at greater distances from the above values. Those values ​​are experimentally measured in recent research with probes and telescopes, according to the most up-to-date methods.

   Formulas, schemes, graphs and interpretations of the "Time is circular" theory:

   If we review the Lorenz transformations about shortening the length of objects and extending the pace of time, following is that:

   Thus, the Lorenz transformation, expressed for time is:

    For the first transformation l=l0sin ∝, if we take interval value of the function at l0=1 and v, is increasing form 0 to C,  the following graphs is obtained:



   Angle α within the interval ( to ) corresponds to an increase of V from 0 to C, that is from 0 to 300 000 km/s.

   At v=(1/3) C, following is angleα=70,5 degrees approximately.

   Thе velocity v=(1/3) C, i.e. about 100 000 km/s is an approximate velocity, with which the most distant known objects - quasars, move away from our reference point

   It is evident is that up to the value, at which v = (1/3) c, that is, 100 000 km / s, the segment of the circle can be approximated with a relatively straight line. This means that we can observe objects up to this limit, beyond which the graph becomes round and similar to the round surface of a sphere, we cannot observe what happening beyond. This "beyond" exists as a real matter and it is a big portion of the dark matter that cannot be observed, seen and captured with the current radiation methods of observation.

   The rounding limit also corresponds to the event horizon of the black hole limit. Black holes are the largest and most massive on the periphery of the universe that is observed by our reference point. That is true due to the Einstein principle of equivalence in the General Theory of Relativity, according to which, there is no difference between gravitational and reactive acceleration.

   At this limit, the matter in relation to our reference position of observation (place and time) has an extremely concentrated and constricted appearance, which is due to the shortening of objects' dimensions and shrinking of those dimensions to a single point. The shrinking is due to the accelerated rate of movement away from our reference position, with the rate at this moment and at that distance according to our reference position of observers is being approximately about 1/3 of the speed of light 100,000 km / s. After, this point disappears similar to a ship's diminution on the ocean-to-sky horizon, and the disappearance beyond the horizon is an analogy is only for visualization. However, it does not follow that matter and objects disappear beyond the horizon in the event of black holes or across the border of the observable universe; matter and objects just become oblivious from our reference point due to the accelerated expansion of the universe or the gravitational acceleration if we are referring to black holes. According to the Lorentz transformations, the speed of black holes becomes approximately the speed of light or more precisely, about one-third of the speed of light and due to the end value of light speed and also due to redshift, which is preconditioned of this speed of moving away.

   This is why we observe only about 4% of the matter in the universe: due to the remaining part being hidden beyond the events' horizon, i.e. beyond the part of a circle that can be approximated with a straight line. Here we talk about the limit of observable universe globally as well as for invisible matter beyond the event horizon's border in case of black holes in the centers of galaxies.

   At  t=t0/sin ∝, which is the Lorenz transformation converted to another type by substituting of sin ∝, 

 In this form, time is inversely proportional sin ∝ , but because we accept that stretching and increasing to infinity of a time interval physically corresponds to time stop and zero moment, i.e. the time at values of v=c , when the objects move away from our reference point with the speed of light, should be the earliest universe, physically becomes zero, in accordance to our time and moment; thus reciprocal value of time would be describe its phisical essence as a relative time - from the zero moment in the earlier universe, to reaching the orbit of this relative time. This not  t=t0 /sin ∝, but  t=t0 sin ∝ and describes the relative time course in its phisical sense as an orbit. Meaning, we may return to the graphics of  l=l0  sin ∝ ,  which is equal to   t= t0 sin ∝ and visually describs the relative time cuorse in its physical sense. In other words, the zero point of time is accepted to be within the early universe and this point   corresponds to being the most distant point, looked in our own reference system, regarding time and space; specifically the point, which equalizes the two velocities: velocity of departure and velocity (i.e. speed) of light; at the condition with velocity of departure, the interval of time derived from the Lorenz transformations becomes infinity and time stops.

   The other end point of the trajectory is the current time now and here. Due to the fact that a time interval from the Lorentz transformation becomes infinite at v=c, but we accept this point of zero time with reference to our own position, thus a reciprocal value of the Lorenz function can be taken (at a largely infinite interval corresponds time zero). In order to describe all points of the trajectory of time, moving from the oldest and the most distant universe to our observer point, all reciprocal values of the Lorenz transformation need to be taken. Finally, the result is that the orbit of time is described with the function t=t0  sin ∝  , which at t0  is the reciprocal of the Lorenz transformation, describing the relation of the interval of times t=t0   /sin ∝.

  This is illustrated in the graph below.



   Exactly at the limit of v=(1/3)c, which actually corresponds to the speed of quasars (i.e. about 100 000 km/s), where the graphics has an angle of α =70,05 degrees, next to the arch of the circle, may be approximated with a straight line. At this point, the horizon is located, up to which we can observe our universe (its visible part); beyond this horizon is about 78% of the mass and matter in the universe, which we cannot observe. In essence, this is the time horizon, beyond which time may not be approximated with a straight line and thus time is rounded. This horizon of time rounding complies with the horizon of the limit event of black holes (some authors think they are an entrance to another time, but according to my theory they are, so to speak, an entrance to the rounded time, which is in essence the same). At this limit, if we have an observant, hypothetically, the next intersection (segment) of the circle may be approximated again with a straight line and we may again observe until the next event horizon, i.e. where the time will again be rounded, but this is only schematic visualization of the theory. Actually, at the border of the events horizon, nothing new happens, such as at the earth horizon nothing new happens (the analogy is only illustrative) – the construction of the universe is still the same way, but we view it differently, due to our moment of observation and place, the final speed of light and accelerated extension of the universe, in combination with the factor of redshift leading to the fact that quasars we observe as most distant in comparison to us in time and space and moving with about 100 000 km/s, moving away with this acceleration from us, slowly and gradually the substance in them reaches the horizon of the event and passes beyond the horizon of observation and in fact for us it disappears as a ship on the horizon, meaning we don't have the ability to observe it anymore. This way, the formulas describing the two processes are analogical, see below the formula for shrinking of a ship to the horizon, illustrated in the graphic.

   The processes in the universe at the border of the horizon of events are developed in a similar way – the dimensions of objects are shrinking in accordance with the Lorenz transformations and to us the mater looks in a very concentrated form. Upon increasing the speed acceleration of objects, the latter ones reach the horizon of the event which according to our observations and the Lorenz transformations, illustrated on the graphics above, complies with α =70,05 or v=(1/3) speed light = 100 000 km/s. Near to this point and a little after it comes the event's horizon (where time can no longer be approximated with a straight line but the dimensions of the objects shrink exceptionally much, i.e. the matter becomes very concentrated in accordance with our position and time of observation) but also to the remaining 23% of dark matter that we cannot observe because it is beyond that horizon. However, this matter is known, according to its mass and gravitation because such matter actually exists.

   It is not an accident that on all directions of space, observations are the same, in accordance with the observer (the observer is located still in center where all is relative in accordance with time and place for observation). In a very similar way observations would be observed by an observer for the more distant galaxies and those would be observe as object near the event horizon and from the distant past.

   The analogy with the ship's moving away on the horizon, which first shrinks to a point and then disappears is formal and serves for visualization and explanation of the process, but in fact the formulas describing this process are the same.

   Here is an example:
   R is the Earth's radius plus the height of the ship, r is the Earth's radius


   We accept that the observer of the earth's surface is in point O' and observes from this position the ship's sailing to the horizon. The shrinking of the ship upon its moving away is described with the section O'O"-y which, upon its moving away gradually shrinks to a point reaching N and the upper end makes the arch O'N.

   This shrinking is described with the formula y=R sin α-r, i.e. the formula and graphics is analogical to the shortening of the length of the objects at Lorenz transformations and touches one point of the circle which we cannot approximate with a straight line and in this point, the approximated straight line is rounded – this is the horizon, but the actual horizon of the earth for example, with which the analogy is made with the event's horizon when observing the black holes. Of course, in this example the analogy is only formal and mathematical one, not a physical one.

   It is possible to interpret the function with time form the Lorenz transformation in the same way t=/sin α. Here one second in the end of the function is extended to infinity, according to one second for the observer and this is interpreted as a delay of time, i.e. its stopping in the end, and this means t in the zero moment, but the zero moment in accordance with our observation position – our time and place, i.e. the physical sense of time in this formula is reciprocal to the mathematical one, i.e. the reciprocal value of this function is t=/ sin α corresponds to the physical interpretation of time, namely t=sin α, and thus time is physical value again described with the formula t= sin α, and this leads to the graphic in the beginning; we may draw the conclusion that time is rounded as the point when this happens is the same point, where time can no longer be approximated with straight line and the point where the speed has reached a third of the light speed, namely the speed of quasars, approximately 100 000 km/s or an angle of 70.5 degrees which corresponds to this speed.

   The same interpretation can also be made for the rounding of time around the black holes in the center of the galaxies, as the acceleration is gravitational, and according to Einstein's principle of equivalence from the General Relativity Theory, the two types of acceleration-gravitational and reactive are equivalent.

   The effect of crossing the event horizon and sinking into the black holes is similar to the effect, which occurs when the supersonic barrier is exceeded by an airplane – hearing of a strong burst is, then the sound disappears. This is a consequence of the Doppler's effect in the case of an accelerated displacement of the object by the observer or the so-called redshift in the light. This is also due to the accretion disc around the black holes.

   Physical explanation of the graphics with round trajectory of relative time is as follows:
   It is proven that the universe is expanding with acceleration, described so far by Hubble's law, that is, the larger the distance to the object, the greater the speed of becoming more distant. If we imagine that the objects that are moving away at equal speed in all directions are located on the surface of a sphere and the next objects moving away with a greater velocity are located on the surface of a another, larger sphere and all these spheres are located in each other like matrices, then every point in the circular path of time corresponds to the surface of one such sphere, i.e., all objects on the surface of the sphere move away at a certain velocity of V. At the angle of 70.5 degrees correspond all objects moving away from us at a speed of 100,000 km per second, meaning they are the most distant observable objects in the quasar universe. And on objects moving away from us with V = C, i.e., the cosmic microwave background corresponds to the angle of zero degrees or zero time. Here time is illustrated as relative in accordance with the time and point of the observer as the zero moment of time is the moment when the velocity of moving away reaches the speed of light C. The time which is on the ordinate axis is the time in our case and in every other point of observation. It is the age of the universe in our own time. And taking into account that the most distant observable objects are at a distance of 13.5 billion light-years and we put them on the ordinate axis we get that the whole age of the universe in our own time is about 225 billion light-years but this also applies to any other observation point. This is illustrated in the following graph.

   This theory also explains the fact that the Hubble constant (experimentally established) for the early universe is less than the Hubble constant for the near universe. Indeed, the reciprocal value of the Hubble constant gives the age of the universe, and in the graph illustrating the circularity of time it is seen that the farther away from our reference the observed object is (the faster the speed is) the larger rate of time distortion is, by descending in its circular orbit, i.e., the age of the universe measured in our own time increases and that is how the Hubble constant decreases. Meaning, the farther away from our reference point a given object is, the greater the rate of the object becoming more distant is; by crossing the boundary of about 100,000 kilometers per second, corresponding to the angle of 70.5 degrees, time stops to be approximated with a straight line, and there is a change in the Hubble constant parameters. Actually, this is an upgrade of Hubble's law on distant objects and the early universe, which explains the current contradictions at the moment by the latest experimental data from drills and telescopes that are now very accurate and cannot be explained by the existing model. It can be said that Hubble's law is a special case in the new model that applies to where the time can be approximated by a straight line or to speed of about 100,000 km per second to the observer.

   It is evident from the graph that Hubble's law approximates to the point where V = 1/3 C means up to 100,000 kilometers per second or angle alpha equal to 70.5 degrees, then serious modifications occur in parameters and the constant decreases as it is the reciprocal value of the age of the universe; it is evident that after the rounding of time, this age increases sharply (it is projected on the ordinate axis assuming t zero is equal to 1). The so-called Hubble horizon for V = C, that space is expanding with super-light speed has to be reconsidered because according to this new model, it should not be so and there is no experimental data on objects that are at such a distance and at such a speed as to prove it; the farthest objects discovered so far are quasars at a distance of 13-13.5 billion light-years at a speed of 100,000 km per second. This Hubble-based law of experimental data only works at such distances, with slight adjustments for the end objects. For speeds over 100,000 kilometers per second and distances above 13.5 billion light-years used, the new model should be used, described in this theory. The contradiction that very well-formed galaxies have been discovered in the so-called early universe can be explained with the new theory. Since it is actually very early to our observation point, but it is not early in itself in the sense of relative circularity of time, because our reference point is an early universe for those galaxies, viewed from their position. The universe can be circumnavigated, along the meridian of time and return to the starting position, but the ending place will always be different; this is exactly as walking on the Earth along the equator or the meridians and get back to the starting point, but in another time.

   This way the theory solves the problem of Multi-Universe or Parallel Universes, in which speaks about the possibilities of existence of many universes unrelated to each other. However, in reality the universe is one and traveling along the meridian of time along its circular orbit, after every round of time, a new event horizon is crossed, and we move from one world to another that is invisible to the former; that is moving to different worlds, invisible to each other, similar to different universes but united by the common thread of time. Formally, this may be compared to the journey on the Earth's surface whereby in a mind crossing a horizon, a new place is arrived at, from which the previous place cannot be seen by looking back. It is the same as stating that there are multiple planet Earths, but in reality the Earth is only one. The same happens also when traveling along the meridian of time – passing through many universes invisible to each other, but in reality the universe is one. The analogy is only formal and has a different physical essence. It explains why only 4% of the existing matter can be seen and the rest is dark and invisible to us due to being is hidden behind the horizon of events at the rounding of time. Thus, all hidden matter is the matter beyond that angle of 70.5 degrees on the graph with time to the angle of 0 degrees, which is a very large, invisible area.

   Besides within the global scale of the universe, dark matter also exists beyond the event horizons of the black holes. This is due to the Einstein's principle of the General Theory of Relativity, according to which there is no difference between the reactive acceleration of an object, moving away and the gravitation acceleration of an object caused by its vicinity to a black hole for example. This is another very important sequence of the time model presented in this theory; namely the model of rounding of time is also valid when reaching the horizon of events of black holes and passing beyond it, where the matter remains hidden and invisible for our reference point the same way it remains hidden and invisible when passing the horizon of time of the universe globally, when reaching the speed of 100 000 km per second and the angle of 70.5 degrees. There, at the horizon of events of black holes, time is rounded the same way as shown in the graphics globally for the universe at its accelerative expansion. The only difference in this case is that the velocity is gravitational and the model locally minimized and repeats for every black hole. Namely, this explains is the so-called dark and non-observable matter which scientists define as "dark matter which is the true guardian of galaxies" or the "glue" holding the universe as a whole. The above is true because as explained before, the gravitational acceleration which is obtained near the black holes and which results in speed of over 100 000 km per second is equivalent to the acceleration, possessed by the furthest objects in the universe in a global scale, in accordance with the Einstein's equivalence principle from the General Theory of Relativity. In both cases the graph of time is rounded in the same way depending on the increase in velocity. This dark matter hiding in the black holes has the structure shown in the schemes below, i.e. the matter, passing beyond the horizon of events swirls down like in a funnel and passes as in a tunnel approximately, after which it takes out the bottom side almost symmetrically. Namely this invisible for us dark matter maintains the galaxies as a glue to prevent falling apart. This model is explained through section visualization but externally it looks like a giant cylinder or "washer". A very good analogy may be done with the model of the powerful tropical hurricanes, very popular recently, which in a similar way swirl water masses. This way, if two or three hurricanes are seen together by a satellite, they resemble two or three galaxies next to each other. Upon merging of two black holes, the analogical models may be used, that are known to work for hurricanes, This analogy is partly formal and refers only to the visualization of black holes because for hurricanes there is no disappearance of matter beyond the horizon of events and other physical laws and variables are in effect.

   Another sequence of this theory is that black holes may be reviewed as worm holes through which a direct pass on the meridian of time is possible, this way reaching the dark matter beyond in the same way that could take travel in the visible part of the universe billions of light years. This way we turn and circle in space as well as in time. The circle is obtained "locally" for every black hole, which is opened in the center of the galaxies, i.e. there is an endless number of such circles in the scale of the entire universe. Our visible space is limited by all horizons of events on the periphery of observable universe as well as from horizons of events of all black holes in the center of galaxies and this visible space holds those gravitationally so that all don't fall apart. Namely, all of this matter beyond is the so-called dark matter which the scientists try to understand for a decade; where this matter is hiding and does it consist of other unknown other unknown particles. However, this matter actually is invisible due to the facts above, resulting from this theory and model of time in it and due to that, there no sense in seeking unknown particles in physics with which to explain this so-called dark and invisible matter, which despite the many expensive experiments nobody so far could detect or establish.

   The falling apart of galaxies in accordance with the point of the observer is similar to appearing of a big bang but this is only a mathematical model and it is valid for every point of the universe from which we make that observation and this on its part challenges the theory of the big bang. Galaxies run away slowly and firmly as a sequence of accelerated extension of the universe and slowly the furthest away pass beyond the horizon of the event or α = 70.05 degrees, and v=100 000 km/s continues to v=c=300 000, i.e. the remaining 23% of the universe remain hidden to our reference point, as our reference point is hidden to those galaxies; i.e. our space is limited by time and our time is limited by space and those are the borders of our universe.

   As a consequence of the structure of the universe and space-time so represented, it follows that wherever the point of the universe is, at any moment, it seems to us that we are as if we are "on the back of the wave" – meaning the time is running as fast as possible, and the matter is the thinnest, and back in the distance, time slows down its pace, almost stops to zero, and matter is in the most concentrated form - a model that mimics the "big bang", but it is true for every the point of time and the space in which we would observe and that means the big bang is not possible. This explains the recent discoveries that we live in a gap or relatively diluted universe within a radius of 1 billion light years. Our visible space is limited by all event horizons on the periphery of the observable universe as well as by the horizons of events upon all black holes in the center of galaxies and maintain them gravitationally so that they don't fall apart, meaning the expression that dark matter is a keeper of galaxies is explained namely with this. This way we turn in space as well as in time – circling having the feeling that we move in a straight line. In fact, the universe is best described by the Riemann geometry where the planes are parts of huge spheres, and the straight lines are parts of huge circles. To illustrate the use of Klein's bottle, which is both infinite and limited, this new structure of the universe is a structure of the dynamic universe, unlike the Einstein structure which is a structure of the static universe as he did not have today's information and discoveries and regarded the universe as static. It is precisely in the dynamic universe that the relative time not only curves but becomes a circle.

   Moving along the meridian of time we can go through this whole circle and return to the original moment but in another place as we move around the earth meridian, we can traverse the earth and return to the same point but at another time, at another moment.

   Another consequence of this theory is that black holes can be considered as wormholes through which we can cross the meridian of time and thus reach the dark matter beyond the same way we would reach if we travel to the boundaries of the visible universe billions of light years.

   The dark matter that remains hidden for us is actually the matter that exists beyond the horizon of the visible universe, that is, if we look at the graph with the time round, it is the one that is beyond the point of these approximately 70 degrees to zero degrees - and so it happens that if 4% is the material we see, up to 23% that is just above 70.5 degrees, which adds up to about 30 percent which includes the matter of all the black holes that is also invisible to us.

   The dark energy is the one due to and explained according to the roundness of time. According to this theory it turns out that space limits time and vice versa due to the end velocity of light. The so-long sought antimatter is the matter below the abscissa axis of the graph for the time – where it is relative in accordance with the observant with a negative value.

   According to this new model of the universe, already introduced previously, Dark Energy represents the energy of time; the increase of the value of time t0 is directly proportional to the radius of the circle; galaxies are moving away at a greater distance with regards to the observer, namely resulting in the most distant galaxies being those with the greatest acceleration. However, the speed of the most distant galaxies does not exceed the speed of light. Also according to this theory, dark energy is the energy of time and by essence this energy anti-gravitational. Dark energy provides the cause for universe expansion with time by providing an opposing direction force to the gravity force. Thus, the entire system (i.e. the universe in this case), remains in equilibrium. The speed of light plays the role of a balancing entity, by not allowing either forces to exceed the magnitude and this magnitude in turn limits time and space. By reaching the speed of light in the furthermost located points of the universe with regards to the observer (in the non-observable part of the universe, under the abscissa axis), the matter transforms its state in antimatter; such a transformation is relative, according to the observer and valid for each point lying on the circle, where the observer were to be placed. Therefore, equal quantities of matter and antimatter are formed, being both located at a distance and formed in different relative times, respective to each other, resulting in inability to be detected together. The cosmological principle for isotropy and homogeneity is preserved and corresponding to this new model, presented in this theory.





  This structuring of matter and anti-matter is valid globally for the entire universe and locally for each black hole; the difference between the global and local validity is expressed by the fact that in the case of black holes, the main role is played by the gravity, while in the case of the universe, the main role is played by the reactive acceleration caused by the overall universe expansion due to increasing the distance of the reference observer. Due to the fact that both acceleration types: gravity acceleration and reactive acceleration are equivalent, according to the principle of equivalency from the General Theory of Relativity, in both cases the models of matter structure and anti-matter structure are equivalent. Thereby, time is relatively circular and matter is present on the figure, at the top and bottom parts; 4% of matter is visible, the rest is invisible and beyond the event horizon of black holes. From a global perspective, the respective invisible dark matter is beyond angle alpha of 70.5 degrees; that is precisely at the point where the speed of light exceeds 100,000 km/s. Bending of time-space, illustrated by Einstein with the famous picture of bent net under a ball with a large mass, needs to be actually completed with a bending until a full circle in the case of black holes, as it is illustrated above for the figure of a black hole, the same analogy with hurricanes. Bending of net at the black holes is so great that the net is “punched”, creating funnel or tunnel, with centre corresponding to the point of singularity; this point is never reached, while the matter in its plasma state passes turbulently down with a speed almost reaching the speed of light; that way a tunnel in time and space is created or more correctly expressed, a tunnel in a combined entity of time-space joined together. Such ‘bending until a full circle’ is reached or “punching”, which can be used for a black hole; that is happening not only within the black holes due to their large gravity, but also at the accelerated expansion of the universe in a global scale, under the direction of dark energy, which according to this theory, is the energy of time.

   We have the same model of the universe in a global scale. In both cases, time and time-space entity are bending, time-space is not performing a simple bending; according to this theory it is bending until a full circle.  In cases, with the presence of massive bodies with large gravity force, but excluding black holes, there is only bending, but not until a full circle; such bending is only as it is illustrated with the famous picture of the ball on the net. This way at the full circle closing, time is limiting space and back and actually we have one limited, but infinite time-space, similar to the Klein’s bottle or toroid or if we do an analogy with the planar model, similar to the Möbius band.

   In this sense, the energy of time, leading to the accelerated expansion of the universe contradicts the gravity force and the same way there is an equivalency between gravitational and reactive acceleration, there should be an equilalency between the energy of time and gravity. In essence, those two forces maintain the dynamic equilibrium of the universe. According to this logic, time must be analyzed in terms of owning mass and energy, expressed and equivalent of the gravitational mass and energy but with a reverse sign, as a direct consequence from the Mass and Energy Balance Law.

   The energy of time expands the universe due to the fact that light travels an even greater distance and fills an even greater volume, i.e. expanding the universe. It is essentially the kinetic component of the energy of the universe, while the potential energy is the mass of bodies and large structures and both components balance one another by transforming into each other in the following formula  Е= mc2 . As a consequence, it can be calculated until when the universe will continue expanding before it reaches the equilibrium situation and its limiting size as time-space. As a beginning, the model of any galaxy with a black hole in the center can be used; this model of time-space is limited and calculable according to the mass and size, which are known and the way in which both are kept in equilibrium due to the center black hole. Matter sucked in the black hole after passing the event horizon, enters the tunnel as shown on the figure below, in a plasma state and that matter never reaches the singularity point, even though passing very close to it, traveling with the speed of light.  In this case, gravity is the driving force and it distorts the time-space to a full circle. The process is described with the same graphics that describes the pace of time from the oldest universe onwards, that time being observed at the boundary of the visible universe.  On the same note, it can be assumed that a tunnel of time is formed within the black holes and the part of the graphics which describes the process and is located below the abscissa axis; that part is the antimatter part and represents a mirror image of the part before reaching the event horizon, which is the visible part from our view point or alternatively expressed, it is the visible part of the galaxies up to the entrance of black holes. Precisely, large part of dark matter is hidden there. 

   Essentially, this new theory provides an explanation of the fact where antimatter is hidden and why it does not annihilate during its interaction with matter; that is due to the statement that antimatter and matter are found in different time coordinates, i.e. different relative times to each other: matter is in time above the abscissa axis, while antimatter is in time below the abscissa axis, as seen on the graph above. An object’s own time is located above the abscissa axis and passes in the positive part and, pointed upwards, while an object’s own time or an observer’s own time below the abscissa axis passes downward and has a negative direction; those two times are relative to each other as both are own times to the system. This fact is confirmed by the existing mathematical models, describing the behavior of antimatter particles, namely the processes with negative energy could be represented as processes with positive energy, BUT BACK IN TIME. A particle with a negative energy is behaving like a particle with a positive energy, but traveling backwards in time, compared to a particle with a positive energy. Feynman’s diagrams employ those statements, by accepting that antimatter particles travel in a direction, opposite to the direction of time. Einstein has written the GENERAL THEORY OF RELATIVITY for the static universe, while the theory presented here creates a new model: the model of dynamic universe, where time, relative time and its dynamics play an essential new role and those three are responsible for dark matter energy and accelerated expansion of the universe.





Author: Daniela Petrova Parashikova
01.01.2015 г.
Sofia, Bulgaria